We guarantee to find you an auto loan that you can afford! In most cases, you will be approved for a monthly payment that is less than 20% of your monthly income. For example, if you earn $1,400 a month before taxes are taken out then you are approved for a loan with payments of $280 (Includes Your Car Insurance!). Of course, you can go lower and if you earn more you can go higher.
So what's the catch? You must be 18 or over, currently employed earning at least $1,200 a month, lived at your current address for at least 30 days, and be eligible for car insurance. If you meet these simple requirements then you can get a car loan!
Complete the information request form above . We do not require your social security number or need to run your credit report at this point. We reserve your loan request and contact you to finalize your approved loan amount for a car within your budget.
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